Frequently Asked Questions

Q – When will my benefit coverage become effective?

A – Your benefit coverage will commence on the 1st day of the 2nd month following receipt of $1,395.00 in contributions from Contributing Employers.

Q – If I am injured at work and awarded benefits from the Workplace Safety Insurance Board (WSIB) will my Dollar Bank or Pension Account be credited?

A – Yes; your Dollar Bank and Pension Account will be credited for a maximum period of up to 12 months provided you have notified the Administration Office of your WSIB award and forwarded satisfactory proof of your disability.

Q – In February of each year I receive a T4A from the Administration Office for Life Insurance Premiums and Accidental Death – what is this for?

A – The Life Insurance and Accidental Death Premiums paid on your behalf by the Health & Welfare Plan over the calendar year are deemed a taxable benefit by the Income Tax Act and accordingly the Plan must issue you a T4A for the amount of premiums paid to the Insurer on your behalf.

Q – Why is it that when I submit my claims for dental work I do not receive 100% of my claim amount back?

A – Your Health & Welfare Plan provides dental coverage based upon the 2023 Ontario Dental Association Fee Guide for General Practitioners up to a maximum benefit of $2,000 per person per calendar year.

Q – Do we have coverage for Semi-Private or Private Room accommodation in a hospital?

A – No; your Plan does not provide coverage for Semi-Private or Private Room accommodation; you are covered for the basic Ward Room by the Ontario Health Insurance Program.

Q – What coverage do I have for Vision Care Benefits?

A – Your Vision Care Benefit allows up to $600.00 for lenses and frames every 2 calendar years for you, your spouse, and dependant children over age 18. Dependant children 18 years of age or under are allowed $300.00 every calendar year for lenses and frames. Your Plan also provides $100.00 every 2 calendar years for eye exams and $100.00 every calendar year for eye exams for dependant children 18 years of age or under.